The Mediterranean Solar Bridge

Create a path for Cleaner Energy Integration into Europe's energy and grid landscape
Our visionary Italy-Spain interconnection project is a strategic step towards fulfilling the European Union's ambitious energy targets, exemplified by the Clean Energy Package and the EU's Green Deal. It is designed to unlock a new era of energy connectivity, transforming the landscape of Italy and Spain's power infrastructure. By harnessing Catalonia's renewable energy potential and optimizing photovoltaic generation, we aim to reduce power prices across Europe. This project promises not only economic advantages but also contributes significantly to a more sustainable and interconnected energy future. Join us in shaping the future of European energy.
Project Vision

Cross-border connection between Italy and Spain
Generating significant net (with investment cost deducted) social welfare gain per year, estimated to be at least 100 M€ p.a.
Tremendous social welfare gain
Building a new interconnection between Spain and Italy, which are both weakly interconnected across already tight corridors (IT North borders and ES-FR)
Increasing European interconnection capacity
Connecting the high load bidding zone Italy North (ITN) with considerable renewable generation in Spain and vice versa allows replacing conventional energy sources
Benefitting of higher integration of renewables
Creates synergies with planned Italian network developments such as the Hyperlink going north to Milano
Creating synergies in grid development
Included in the 2024 TYNDP
APOLLO-LINK is included in ENTSO-E's Ten Year Network Development Plan with an expected commissioning date of 2032
Establishing a standard technical concept/set-up – Bipolar HVDC, VSC converters: 525kV, 2GW